Tag: animal welfare
Kiss The Ground – is regenerative agriculture our climate savior?
by Jane of Green Eatz | Nov 20, 2020 | Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Food | 1
‘We must harness the regenerative power of Earth itself’ – says Woody Harrelson in the...
Read MoreGoing Flexitarian and Reducing Waste for the Planet
by Jane of Green Eatz | Jan 30, 2020 | Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Food, Zero Waste | 1
It started off as a worry about the treatment of livestock. Calves being born solely to service...
Read MoreVegan Thanksgiving – Better for You and the Planet!
by Jane of Green Eatz | Nov 16, 2011 | Food | 8
Thanksgiving turkey isn’t good for you or the environment, and it certainly isn’t good for the turkeys!
Read MoreLA Green Festival – time for people power!
by Jane of Green Eatz | Oct 31, 2011 | Climate Change, Climate Crisis, Events | 0
People power at the Los Angeles Green Festival in 2011.
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agriculture (19)
AgTech (3)
animal welfare (4)
Australia (8)
books (7)
cancer (5)
carbon tax (3)
clean energy (7)
cleantech (7)
climate change (19)
dairy (4)
deforestation (3)
detox (3)
entrepreneurs (5)
factory farming (5)
fast food (3)
food policy (1)
food waste (14)
Geoengineering (2)
global warming (2)
gluten-free (1)
GMO (3)
greenhouse gases (3)
healthy diet (30)
IPCC (2)
lentils (4)
los angeles (11)
net zero (2)
nutrition (12)
politics (10)
pollution (5)
recipe (16)
restaurants (13)
route 66 (11)
santa monica (5)
school food (1)
SEO (2)
sugar (5)
sustainable (31)
vegan (32)
vegetarian (12)
water (4)
wheat (2)
WordPress (1)
zero waste (5)