Jane Richards, DipHE Nutrition

Jane qualified as a nutritionist in 2009, with a Diploma of Higher Education from the Thames Valley University in London, UK.  Jane believes that good nutrition leads to a healthy mind and body and is dedicated to sharing her knowledge with one and all. She has been a passionate advocate for sustainability for many years, and graduated with distinction with a Sustainability Certificate from UCLA Extension.

Jane worked in the IT industry for 15 years as a team leader, analyst and programmer and knows how stress can have a negative effect on your health. She studied Aromatherapy at the Australasian College of Natural Therapies in Sydney and understands how essential oils can be used to combat stress and help many health problems.

Jane originally hails from Brighton, UK, but was based in Sydney, Australia for 10 years from 2002 to 2012. She then moved to the San Francisco Bay Area, and began her long association with the non-profit Cleantech Open, a startup incubator for cleantech entrepreneurs. Initially, she worked as an outreach ambassador but then moved on to include responsibilities for social media and website development. More recently, she has been involved in startup mentoring in corporate sustainability. In 2017, Jane took on the role of administrator at Sustainable San Mateo County.

Jane relocated to Los Angeles and continued her involvement with Cleantech Open but also volunteered with the US Green Building Council Los Angeles as a Green Building Corps member. In 2022, she also took on the role of Interim Operations Director at Cleantech Open.

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